Reference manual
Tap screen to bring up/hide menu
The menu will collapse automatically if left untouched for about 10 seconds. If a dialog is opened, the menu and the dialog stays on screen until you either tap the (X) button in the dialog or tap outside of the dialog (only works on iPad where the dialog will not cover the entire screen).
If you want the menu to show or hide sooner than the 10 seconds, you can tap outside of the menu to toggle the menu presentation.
"Show as status" in dialogs
If a dialog has a checkbox at the top right corner called "Show as status" the information that is managed by the dialog will be presented on screen when the menu is collapsed. That means that if it is important to you to know which key you are using, by checking the "Show as status" checkbox in the settings dialog for key/scale, the key will be visible even when the menu is collapsed.
The companion is greyed out and has a small parcel symbol in the lower right corner... Why is that?
inTone is a free application with three different free of charge companions (the tuning wizard, the frequency diagram and the singing range finder). The other companions are not free of charge but must be purchased in the in-app shop before they present the tones you are playing. When a companion is not purchased, it will be greyed out, have a text "SIMULATION" on the top and will through the parcel symbol have a link to more information about the package that the companion is part of. By tapping the parcel icon, inTone will present more information about that package.
Restoring purchases
If you made your purchase on a different unit or have lost your purchased companions, tapping the 'Restore purchases' in the in-app shop will bring them back without cost. You find the in-app shop in the menu (tap the button with a parcel symbol). The parcel symbols on each companion takes you to more information about that specific package but you need to go to the in-app shop to find the "Restore purchases" button.
Arranging the companions on my dashboard
inTone supports different dashboards (from single companion view to presentation to up to four companions). This setting is done in the menu (see below under "Settings: Dashboard style").
To decide which companion is visible in each slot of the dashboard, please swipe sideways on a component to shift to next/previous companion. The companions that are not allowed (due to wrong perspective or wrong instrument) are skipped when swiping sideways. A small page indicator shows on what companion you are currently showing. If the screen is left untouched for 15 seconds, the page indicator will fade away.
If you want to change the place of two companions currently on screen, you can drag one of them on top of the other and they will change place with each other. If you are switching places between two companions which leads to one of them ending up in a slot that has the wrong perspective, a warning triangle will show up to inform you that that specific companion is not possible to have in a landscape/portrait slot.
If you change current instrument, some companions might show a warning triangle to inform that that specific companion is not able to be used with that instrument.
Settings: Instrument
This is where you select the current instrument as well as instrument tuning/type.
There are three types of instruments:
- Stringed − Instruments with a neck and fingerboard (with or without frets)
- Keyboard − Instruments with keys that produce a single tone (currently, only Piano)
- Vocal − Not really an instrument but from inTone perspective, the equivalence of an instrument.
The selection of instrument affects most parts of inTone. The instrument decides the frequency range that inTone is focusing on when identifying the tone, it also affects the range shown in the diagram.
For stringed instruments, the instrument affect the fingerboard presentation (number of strings and active length of fingerboard) and the selected instrument tuning affects which "loose string" tones inTone uses in the tuning wizard and fingerboard presentations.
For keyboard instruments, the instrument affect which keys are presented in the tuning wizard for each octave.
For vocal, the selected voice affects the min-max range of that voice.
When you select an instrument type, the first instrument of that type is selected and the default tuning of that instrument is selected.
When you select an instrument, the default tuning of that instrument is selected.
Settings: Key / Scale
This is where you select what key and also scale that inTone should use. The key defines which key signature to show (if any). There is also a scale connected to each key (and some of the minor "keys" are actually minor scales).
The selected scale is the scale presented in the fingerboard scale companion.
The selected key also has an impact on the wolf interval of the temperaments (except for "Equal temperament" which does not have a wolf interval). Since the different temperaments does not result in a full octave (wither too wide or too narrow), the triton of the selected key will become the wolf interval (i.e. for Pythagorean tuning in C-Major, the resulting wolf interval would wither be between F# and Gb or between Gb and F#).
When selecting any of the non-equal temperaments, another setting will be presented where you need to select between the Augmented fourth and the Diminished fifth definition to be used when deciding the triton frequency.
The Circle of fifths companion helps you to understand what triton is and what effect the different temperaments have on the tuning of your instrument (read more about the different companions here).
Settings: A4 frequency
This is where you select what frequency the A above middle C (or A4) should have.
The default frequency for A4 is 440 Hz while many classical ensembles use 442 Hz or 443 Hz. Other frequencies that are sometimes used are 415 Hz, 430 Hz (actually 430.54 Hz but inTone currently only support integer A4 frequency), 432 Hz or even 466 Hz.
If you are uncertain which frequency to use, you should most likely use 440 Hz.
Settings: Temperament
This is where you select which temperament to use. The default temperament is called "Equal temperament" and is the temperament used in most modern music. If you play your instrument together with a piano, you will most likely use "Equal temperament" since that is the only temperament that allows for changing key without re-tuning the piano (which is practical).
The other temperaments will produce a "wolf interval" (see above "Settings: Key / Scale" for more information about the wolf interval) and you therefore need to specify if the Augmented fourth or Diminished fifth should be used as the definition of the triton frequency.
Settings: Key Signature style
This is where you decide if the key signature should be presented or not (in the note sheet companions).
Settings: Octave style
This is where you decide which octave presentation to use. There are three different options:
- Number − which means that the middle C octave is called 4 resulting in octaves from -1 up to 9. The octave number is concatenated with the name of the note (e.g. middle C is called "C4" and the C one octave higher is called "C5").
- Helmholtz − which means that the middle C octave is lower case with a ' sign after the note (e.g. middle C is called c' and the C one octave higher is called c'').
- MIDI − which means that the middle C octave is called 0 resulting in octaves from -5 up to 5. The octave number is concatenated with the name of the note (e.g. middle C is called "C0" and the C one octave higher is called "C1").
Settings: Pace (BPM)
This is where you decide which pace the inTone metronome should use. The pace of the metronome affects the metronome as well as how many beats and bars are visible on the "flowing note sheet" companion. The flowing note sheet companion always shows 10 seconds of notes and therefore, a higher pace will result in a smaller distance between each bar line.
Settings: Time signature
This is where you decide which time signature inTone should use. The time signature consists of two parts:
- Beats per bar − which decides how many steps the metronome takes from one side of the screen to the other and also (together with the definition of the pace), affects the distance between each bar line in the flowing note sheet.
- Note value − which decides which note symbols to be presented in the two note sheet companions. The note value currently only decides which note symbol to be presented and the flowing note sheet is therefore currently not producing an accurate note sheet according to musical notation rules.
Settings: Dashboard style
This is where you decide which companion layout to use. The iPad version supports from one to four simultaneous companions while the iPhone version and iPod touch version only supports up to two simultaneous companions (due to screen size limitations).
Settings: Sensitivity
This is where you decide how sensitive inTone should be when identifying the tones. The reason why we have these settings is that depending on the amount of background noise and also depending on which type of instrument and quality of the instrument, the detection needs to be fine-tuned to allow for accurate and swift tone identification.
- If you are uncertain which values to use, please tap the "Set default" button (only visible when settings are not the default values).
- If you experience problems with inTone being too sensitive and showing a lot of garbage try to increase the sensitivity and peak limit settings.
- If inTone is not reacting at all when you are playing try to decrease the sensitivity and peak limit settings.
- If inTone is presenting the correct tone but at a too low octave, increase the peak limit setting.
- If inTone is presenting the correct tone but at a too high octave, decrease the peak limit setting.
Settings: Transposing instruments
The transposition setting represents an offset that your instrument has. The effect of the setting is reversed so that a positive transposition will lower the tones displayed from the exact tones identified.
This offset is applied to identified tones (inTone treats it as it was the tone and frequency of the offset tone).
Eg. with an offset of +2 semi-tones, if inTone identifies a C, it will show it as a Bb (the frequency shown will also be lowered to the frequency corresponding to the Bb with the same accuracy). This means that using +2 semi-tones transposition is for an instrument that is tuned 2 semi-tones too high and needs to be reduced to be to match the tone you intended to play.
If the transposition is enabled (by selecting a non-zero value), the actual transposition value will be displayed in red text on the screen (to reduce the risk of accidentally having an offset applied to the identified tones.
The tuning text companion is the ONLY place where the exactly identified tone and frequency is displayed (in addition to the transposed tone and frequency) when offset is applied. ALL OTHER companions will believe that the offset tone is the one identified.
The Transposing instruments function is useful for many brass and woodwind instruments where with some of those instruments, when playing a C it might sound as a Bb, an Eb or an A.
inTone: In-App Shop
This is where you find the different companion packages that are available to purchase (in addition to the three free of charge companions that came with the free version of inTone).
The companions that are not purchased will show up in simulation mode on your dashboard which means that you can see how a companion would look like and behave like. The simulated companions show simulated tones and NOT the tones you are playing.
If you are interested in any of the companions, please first evaluate the quality of the tone/note identification by using the free of charge companions and if you are happy with the quality and speed of tone identification, you can purchase the additional companions in the in-app shop.
Settings: Metronome presentation on/off
This is where you turn presentation of the metronome on or off.
PLEASE NOTE: The inTone metronome is a pure visual metronome and will not generate any sound.